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Living Herbs made easy Poppin Pods, is a revolutionary new product which addresses the main issues facing both consumers and retailers with both cut and potted herbs and flowers. Not only does it fix these long standing issues, it opens new markets that fit with the two trends of “fresh ...
Peace of mind in the form of a watch The first product we are developing is a simple but high tech bracelet that is teamed up with a mobile phone. We provide global tracking to give peace of mind to families who have wandering parents. For the elderly parents, we give them independence as they know ...
The affordable, safe and instantaneous humidifier Humidification is well known and scientifically proven to help ease the discomfort of respiratory infections such as: Sinusitis (12% of the population affected each year according to the American Centre for Disease Control (CDC)) Cold and flu (all adults suffer ...
Your Pocket Dietitian BeyondCalories suggests foods/recipes for people with chronic health condition (like diabetes, crohn's autoimmune or hypothyroidism) and allergies, tracks nutritional intake and analyzes any deficiencies to be fulfilled by modifying diet or adding supplements.
Subscription commerce for women's sanitaries Monthly "subscription" to pads and tampons. Ideal for women as periods are regular, not affected by GFC, a bit embarrassing to buy sanitary products "in public", inevitable.